Accessibility Action Plan 2020-2025

About this publication

Publication author: Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions

ISSN: 2817-0768

Catalogue: Iu90-1/23E-PDF

Publish date: December 19, 2022

Table of Contents


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Team Lead, Diversity, Inclusion and Employment Equity
Diversity, Inclusion and Employment Equity Office
Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions
800 René Lévesque Blvd. West, Suite 500
Montréal, Quebec H3B 1X9

  • 1-800-561-0633 (Toll free)
  • 1-844-805-8727 (TTY line)

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Accessibility Statement

Canadians expect the Government of Canada to lead by example when it comes to accessibility.

The Accessible Canada Act, the goal of which is the realization of a Canada without barriers, came into force on July 11, 2019. The Act aims to change the way we ensure accessibility in all areas of federal jurisdiction.

Further to consultations with persons with disabilities, the Prime Minister appointed a Deputy Minister of Public Service Accessibility and established the Office of Public Service Accessibility (OPSA), whose mandate is to create an accessibility strategy for the public service of Canada.

The following is one of the guiding principles of the Strategy: Nothing without us - persons with disabilities are involved in the design and implementation of the strategy

With a view to successfully setting up a barrier-free public service, Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED) must listen to persons with disabilities and their advice. This is an opportunity to rethink accessibility and nip discrimination in the bud. To do so, CED will need to pursue its efforts to maintain a culture of inclusion, diversity, equity and empowerment.

Incorporating accessibility into the way we work means having a better accommodation model for person with disabilities, along with a targeted recruitment approach aimed at increasing the representation of this group in CED’s workforce. We also need to ensure the accessibility of the technology we use and of our means of communicating with one another.

Aspects covered


Barriers: The representation of people with disabilities employed by CED is lower than their Workforce availability estimate. People with disabilities feel that they do not have the same opportunities for advancement as others in the general population, and that the organization does not implement practices that promote a diverse workforce. People with disabilities also mention that they could benefit from tools to help victims of discrimination and on mental health.

CED aims to promote accessible and inclusive human resources practices, so that all employees, including people with disabilities, are supported and can contribute to the organization.


1. Increase the departmental representation of people with disabilities within CED
  • Take part in job fairs, placing an emphasis on designated groups.
  • With the launch of the Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities, the PSC will be taking steps to foster diversity in the public service.

Lead(s): CED’s People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB)
Timeline: Ongoing

2. Provide training and awareness activities for managers

Managers will be informed of available training aimed at helping them set up inclusive teams.

Lead(s): CED’s People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB) and managers
Timeline: Ongoing

3. Inform employees about tools, training, and activities
  • Promote the various mental and physical health resources available to employees and provide employees with relevant tools.
  • Promote the Spotlight on Accessibility Series (Canada School of Public Service).
  • Promote the LifeSpeak

Lead(s): CED’s People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB) and the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and Accessibility Champions
Timeline: 2020–2023, ongoing

Built Environment

Barriers: Barriers identified during consultations regarding the built environment centered mostly on accessibility of the premises as a workplace and included issues such as a lack of push buttons, for example. Several people reported that their physical workspace doesn't take into account invisible disabilities, including: chronic pain, autism, anxiety. They also mentioned their reluctance to ask their manager for accommodation.


1. Provide training

Provide office ergonomics training to ensure that employees are properly set up when working from home.

Lead(s): CED’s People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB)
Timeline: Ongoing

2. Accommodate: Pursue our obligations relating to accommodation and provide employees with the necessary equipment.

Lead(s): CED’s People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB)
Timeline: Ongoing

3. Identify issues related to the work environment
  • In co-operation with disabled persons, examine the built environment to determine how to improve its accessibility and inclusion.
  • An assessment of the work environment in our offices must be conducted to identify any issues.

Lead(s): CED’s People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB) and Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC)
Timeline: 2020–2023

4. Take invisible disabilities into consideration

Update the Guidelines on Allergies and Sensitivities in the Workplace.

Lead(s): CED’s People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB)
Timeline: 2022

Information and communications technologies

Barriers: People with disabilities feel they have the technology and equipment they need to do their jobs, but the positive response rate is lower than that of people in the general population.

In today’s digital world, adaptive information, and communications technologies (ICT – data, tools, and systems) are key to ensuring full access and participation to all individuals.


1. Roll out of Office 365

Accessibility features are available and are installed by default.

Lead(s): CED’s Information and Technological Solutions Branch
Timeline: 2020–2021, ongoing

2. Make new corporate projects accessible (CORTEX, SAP, etc.)

In the case of CED’s priority files, the new systems will have accessibility features that make them easy to use by persons with disabilities.

Lead(s): CED’s Information and Technological Solutions Branch and SAP and CORTEX teams.
Timeline: 2020–2023

3. Provide training on accessibility, accommodation, and adaptive computer technology

Training is designed for everyone, including persons with disabilities, technicians, webmasters, application developers, and project managers.

Lead(s): CED’s Information and Technological Solutions Branch and People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB), Shared Services Canada
Timeline: 2020–2025

Communication, other than information and communication technologies

Barriers: People with disabilities do not feel that essential information such as the organization's vision and goals are communicated effectively to staff, compared to people in the general population


1. Post documents that everyone can access (intranet and Internet)
  • Plain-language writing tools have been developed and offered to content creators.
  • Consultations on the redesign of the intranet included people with disabilities.

Lead(s): CED’s Communications and Information and Technological Solutions Branches
Timeline: Ongoing

Procurement of Goods, Services and Facilities

Barriers: People with disabilities feel they have the technology and equipment they need to do their jobs, despite the fact that the positive response rate is lower than that of people in the general population.


1. Embed accessibility into information technologies (IT) procurement

Procurement officers will have access to tools for the purchase of adaptive technologies.

Lead(s): CED’s Procurement Branch, Shared Services Canada
Timeline: Ongoing

Design and Delivery of Programs and Services

Barriers: CED's customer feedback process does not currently include questions about barriers to accessibility in its programs. CED has tools to design and deliver programs and services that are accessible to persons with disabilities.


1. Determine the level of satisfaction of clients with our services

Clients will be asked specific questions about the barriers to accessibility to CED programs and about any suggestions they might have for improvements.

Lead(s): Customer Experience and Business intelligence Directorate
Timeline: 2021–2023, ongoing

2. Design of CED programs

CED develops its initiatives by considering the issues, challenges, and opportunities for people with disabilities through gender-based analysis plus (GBA+).

Lead(s): CED’s Policy, Economic Intelligence and Results Branch
Timeline: Ongoing

3. Develop adaptive tools and forms

Consult with employees with disabilities when developing adaptive tools.

Lead(s): All sectors within CED
Timeline: 2020–2023, ongoing

4. Make the call centre accessible to the hearing impaired

A call centre has been set up to assist businesses, and it includes a TTY line.

Lead(s): CED’s Information and Technological Solutions Branch
Timeline: 2020


Barriers: The application of policies is too restrictive with regard to the requirement to select the most economical means of travel when planning trips.


1. Clarifying the requirements of the Travel Directive for people with disabilities

Raise managers' awareness of the need to take account of accessibility requirements when planning journeys and booking tickets for people with disabilities.

Lead(s): Departmental Finances Branch
Timeline: 2025


A key element in the drafting of the Accessibility Action Plan was the participation of, and consultation with, persons with disabilities in the development and implementation of accessibility initiatives that directly affect their daily lives.

A consultation group made up of individuals with disabilities and GBA+ experts was set up, in collaboration with CED’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Champion and People, Culture and Workplace Branch (PCWB). Consultations were done in various ways, including virtual group meetings and written submissions. The group provided feedback and made recommendations regarding barriers faced by persons with disabilities as well as the proposed actions to address them.

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